In memory of Kellie we will change the world

Everything that transpired over the course of the crash, Kellies vegetative state, the trial of Mathew Moore, and the craziness that followed including the death of Kellie and my step son John (he took his life a month before Kellie passed away) I’ve decided to start being the difference I want to see in our society. We can change the hearts and minds of people around us if we are willing to get out of our comfort zones and reach out to those that society rejects or ignores altogether.
Starting in May, we will open a sanctuary/retreat for people who are suffering the loss of a loved one. We will also help homeless people, addicts, and convicts turn their lives around and become contributors to their community instead of a burden on society.
The land has been purchased and I’m in the process of having power installed. Our next step is a septic system and well. Once those have been completed, we will need to build a couple bunk houses for our guests. Currently our budget is in the red and we need donations to complete our goals.
If you are interested in helping, please feel free to contact me or if you would like to donate money you can follow the link below.
If you would like to purchase a memorial building for a loved one, please contact me and I will give you the details. A building (bunk house) can cost as little as $3500 before plumbing, electrical, and insulation.
I am so blessed to have you all behind me on this much needed ministry that will transform our communities.
